SureSTART™ Level 3 HPLC and GC Certified Vial and Cap Kit, 2 mL, 12 x 32 mm Amber Glass SureStop™ Vial, 9 mm Blue Screw Cap and White Silicone/Red PTFE Septa
SKU : CK6PCK575WLog in for pricing
ThermoFisher Scientific
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Meet your certification and documentation needs with our Level 2 Thermo Scientific™ SureSTART™ Specification Certified Screw Vial and Cap Kits. Select Level 2 products for high throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose from a variety of kits containing short thread screw vials with marking spots in clear or amber glass and polypropylene caps with silicone/PTFE septa of various hardness values designed to reduce autosampler needle issues. Pre-slit and bonded septa options are available. Select kits with SureStop™ vials and/or AVCS™ screw caps for effective seals, consistent data, and increased sample throughput.