PDA Software Module For PDA Data Processing
SKU : DAA29Log in for pricing
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Clarity Extension for processing data that has been acquired from selected Mass Spectrometry detectors.
The Clarity MS Extension is a tool that is used for processing data that has been acquired from selected Mass Spectrometry detectors. Spectral data, together with chromatograms, add a third dimension to analytical data analysis.
The MS Extension expands the capability of Clarity and Clarity Offline Chromatography software by providing interactive spectral analysis, peak purity analysis, and compound identification that is based on a spectral library search. The extension is prepared to function with single quadrupole MS detectors and TOF MS detectors.
All data is saved in a single file; a chromatogram at any m/z value or even only a spectrum can simply be recalled for review after an analysis. MS spectra, acquired using an MS detector, may be interactively selected from a chromatogram signal for visual inspection and comparison. The spectra may also be used for peak purity determinations and component identification through spectral libraries.
It is possible to import MS data in AIA (cdf), mzXML, MzML, and mzData formats.