2024 May 1st

MJS BioLynx e-Lynx - May 2024

MJS BioLynx e-Lynx Banner May 2024

Dear Researcher,

We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies, our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.

MJSBioLynx Well Being

In May...We Celebrate Mothers

Mother Teresa has some wonderful Motherly words of wisdom we thought we'd share with you.

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things."

"I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness."

"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realize it."


EpiCypher – New & Improved CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit: Powerful Assays for Epigenomic Profiling

EpiCypher® Logo

Ultra-sensitive. Rapid results. Rigorously tested.

What’s new with CUT&Tag? Seven FAQs to get you started.

Advantages include:

EpiCypher® CUTANA CUT&Tag Box

  • Streamlined two-day protocol with no library prep
  • Exclusive single-tube workflow maximizes yield
  • Reliable profiling using low cell numbers
  • Dramatically reduced assay costs
  • Comprehensive kit goes from cells to sequence-ready DNA

Download Poster

Save 20% on your CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kits between now and October 31st!

Promotion Code: EPCTK20

Ahlstrom – LeafSaver Collection Card

Ahlstrom Logo

Simple collection, transportation and ambient-temperature storage of plants, fungi, insects and parasites.

Ahlstrom LeafSaver Card

  • Engineered with a protective cover, elimates the need for complex preparations beforehand.
  • Ensure long-term preservation of nucleic acids at ambient temperatures for over 2 decades.
  • Enhance result accuracy and higher quantities of DNA recovery.

Hycult Biotech logo

Hycult Biotech – New Factor H-related Products

The Factor H (FH)-protein family is a group of seven proteins that belong to a specific part of the immune system, called the complement system. Dysregulation of FH-protein family members have been linked to a wide range of diseases such as several types of infections, but also to kidney and eye diseases.

Hycult Factor H-related products

Discover Hycult's new ELISA kits for FHR-2, FHR-3, FHR-4 and FHR-5 that are highly specific, and do not cross-react with the other FH-related proteins and Factor H.


Mirus Bio logo

Mirus Bio – A Legacy of Transfection Innovation

Mirus Bio receives ISO 13485:2016 certification, underscoring the quality of processes used to support GMP product portfolio.

Mirus Bio Transfection Products Banner

Mirus offers a range of effective transfection solutions and tools for a comprehensive set of cell lines.

These solutions are intentionally designed to be gentle on cells and maximize cell delivery while using a simplified, straightforward protocol.


AthenaES® – Expression Media Selection Kit & Expression Media Sample Kit

AthenaES® logo

Optimize your expression media, maximize your results!

Athena's proprietary blends of Expression Media increase expression of proteins in E. coli up to 20 times more than industry standard LB Broth.

The new Expression Media Select Kit (AES017) contains sterile liquid aliquots of 15 media, including 11 proprietary formulations, as well as APF versions of Miller and Lennox.

AthenaES® Expression Media Selection Kit

The Expression Media Sample Kit (AES0188) includes 6 of their best-selling proprietary formulations.

Save 25% on Athena Expression Media until June 30th!

Promotion Code: MEDIA2024

NEST Biotechnology – Cell Culture Labware

NEST Cell Culture Labware

NEST Biotechnology is a worldwide manufacturer of plastic laboratory products. They offer a wide variety of consumables including cell culture labware, sample collection, centrifuge tubes, assay plates, PCR consumables, cryogenic tubes and much more!


BioEcho Life Sciences – Webinar - Mastering Nucleic Acid Extraction: Principles, Methods, and Troubleshooting

BioEcho Life Science Logo & Nike Bahlmann photo

Date: Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Time: 10:00am EDT

The webinar will be presented by Nike Bahlmann, MS

Director of Global Support at BioEcho Life Sciences

What to expect from the webinar:

  • Gain a fundamental understanding of various extraction principles and their pros and cons
  • Choose the right extraction method for your project and needs
  • Participate in the Q&A and get firsthand tips and tricks from a nucleic acid extraction expert

Register Button


MJS BioLynx – May 2024 Shows

Come and say hello and find out how our products can help you with your research.

Date                  Location                                                                                                                     Time
May 2  Universite de Montreal Journée Scientifique

en Biologie Moléculaire at l'IRIC Pavillon


8:30am - 4:30pm
May 3 Wilfred Laurier University

75 University Ave. W. 

Waterloo, ON

May 14 Ottawa Cardiovascular Research Day 2024

University of Ottawa Heart Institute

8:30am - 4:30pm
May 16 ICM Research Day

CRCHUM - Atrium

May 28 University of Guelph

Summerlee Science Atrium

11:00am - 1:00pm
May 29 HSK Expo Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning (PGCRL)

2nd Floor Gallery and Lobby

686 Bay Street

10:00am - 1:00pm
May 30 Queen's University

Biosciences Complex Atrium

10:30am - 12:30pm


New and Improved CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit – 20% OFF

MJS BioLynx EpiCypher New CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit Promotion Banner - 20% OFF


Lectins and Bioconjugation: Mix & Match and Receive 25% OFF

Vector Laboratories & GlycoSeLect - Lectins and Bioconjugation Promotion Banner

 Contact Us

Expression Media & Expression Media Kits - 25% OFF

MJS BioLynx - AthenaES® Expression Media & Expression Media Kit Promo Banner May 2024



Available now! New MJSBioLynx Cell Biology Brochure

Coming Soon! MJS BioLynx - Cell Biology Brochure

Our new Cell Biology Brochure, features Cell Culture Medium, Tools for Exosome Research, Transfection, Advances in 3D Cell Culture, Cell Culture Labware, and more…

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The Right Tool For The Job: Selecting Appropriate Protein Detection and Visualisation Methods

Vector Laboratories Logo

Since the method was first described by Albert Coons in 1941, immunostaining has been a foundational tool in understanding the mechanisms underlying health and disease. In this article, Pam James, PhD, Vice President, Product, Vector Laboratories, discusses some key considerations in terms of choosing protein detection and visualization methods for therapeutic and diagnostic development and biomarker discovery.

Options For 3D Cell Culture: The Benefits of PeptiGel

Cell Guidance Systems Logo

PeptiGel is a synthesis of natural amino acids. In this blog, Cell Guidance Systems explains what makes this range of peptide hydrogels useful for 3D Cell Culture.

Thanks Mom!

Lynx Mother and Baby

The MJS BioLynx Team