
Resprep SLE 96-Well Plates

Product Description

  • Faster and easier than SPE and liquid-liquid extraction: just load, wait 5 minutes, then elute.
  • Effective removal of proteins, phospholipids, and salts.
  • Quick concentration step increases sensitivity.
  • Easy to automate for high-throughput laboratories.
  • Suitable for a wide range of sample matrices and analyte pKa values.
  • Volume guidelines: Selecting an SLE format with sufficient loading capacity (1 mg sorbent to 1µL diluted sample) is very important because the entire sample volume (including 1:1 dilution in buffer) is absorbed into the diatomaceous earth sorbent. For example, a 100 µL sample should be diluted 1:1 with buffer for a total volume of 200 µL, which requires use of a 200 mg SLE product.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
RK28304 Resprep SLE 96-well plates, 200 mg/2 mL each well Each -- Add to Cart
RK28305 Resprep SLE 96-well plates, 400 mg/2 mL each well Each -- Add to Cart

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